
108句佛教经典禅语 英文

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108句佛教经典禅语是句佛教经佛教中非常重要的一部分,这些禅语不仅在佛教教义中有重要的典禅地位,也在人们日常生活中发挥着重要的语英作用。下面是句佛教经这些经典禅语的英文表述。1. Everything


1. Everything is 典禅transient. 万物皆无常。

108句佛教经典禅语 英文

2. Nothing is 语英permanent. 无常即是真。

108句佛教经典禅语 英文

3. Everything changes. 万物皆变化。句佛教经

4. Impermanence is 典禅the only constant. 无常是唯一不变的。

5. Change is 语英inevitable. 变化是必然的。

6. The句佛教经 only constant is change. 唯一不变的是变化。

7. Everything is 典禅interconnected. 万物相互依存。

8. All things are one. 万物皆一。语英

9. The句佛教经 self is an illusion. 自我是虚幻的。

10. Ego is 典禅the root of suffering. 自我执着是苦的根源。

11. Attachment leads to suffering. 执着导致苦难。语英

12. Let go of attachments. 放下执着。

13. Let go of the ego. 放下自我。

14. Let go of everything. 放下一切。

15. The present moment is all there is. 现在就是一切。

16. Be present in the moment. 在当下时刻。

17. Live in the present. 生活在当下。

18. Mindfulness is key. 念念不忘。

19. Observe without judgment. 观察而不评判。

20. Non-attachment is freedom. 不执着是自由。

21. Non-attachment is happiness. 不执着是幸福。

22. Non-attachment is liberation. 不执着是解脱。

23. Compassion is the path to enlightenment. 慈悲是通向证悟之路。

24. Love is the path to liberation. 爱是通向自由之路。

25. Embrace all beings with love and compassion. 以爱和慈悲拥抱所有生灵。

26. Treat all beings with kindness. 以善待所有生灵。

27. See the good in all beings. 看到所有生灵的美好。

28. All beings are equal. 所有生灵平等。

29. All things are interconnected. 万物相互依存。

30. All things are impermanent. 万物皆无常。

31. All things are empty. 万物皆空。

32. Emptiness is form. 空即是色。

33. Form is emptiness. 色即是空。

34. The mind is everything. 一切皆由心造。

35. The mind creates the world. 心创造世界。

36. The mind is the source of suffering. 心是苦的根源。

37. The mind is the source of happiness. 心是幸福的根源。

38. The mind is the key to liberation. 心是解脱的关键。

39. Mindfulness is the foundation of the path. 念念不忘是修行的基础。

40. Meditation is the path to enlightenment. 冥想是通向证悟之路。

41. Practice is the path to liberation. 实修是通向自由之路。

42. The path is long and difficult. 修行之路漫长而艰辛。

43. The path is rewarding. 修行之路值得。

44. The path is the goal. 修行之路即是目标。

45. The goal is enlightenment. 目标是证悟。

46. The goal is liberation. 目标是自由。

47. The goal is Nirvana. 目标是涅槃。

48. The Buddha is within. 佛在心中。

49. The Dharma is the truth. 法即是真理。

50. The Sangha is the community. 众即是同修。

51. The Buddha is the teacher. 佛是导师。

52. The Dharma is the guide. 法是指南。

53. The Sangha is the support. 众是支持。

54. The Triple Gem is the refuge. 三宝是庇护。

55. The Four Noble Truths are the foundation. 四圣谛是基础。

56. The Noble Eightfold Path is the way. 八正道是路径。

57. Right view is the beginning. 正见是开端。

58. Right intention is the motivation. 正意是动力。

59. Right speech is the expression. 正语是表达。

60. Right action is the behavior. 正行是行为。

61. Right livelihood is the sustenance. 正命是生计。

62. Right effort is the exertion. 正精进是努力。

63. Right mindfulness is the awareness. 正念是觉知。

64. Right concentration is the focus. 正定是专注。

65. The Five Precepts are the guidelines. 五戒是指引。

66. Do not kill. 不杀生。

67. Do not steal. 不偷盗。

68. Do not lie. 不说谎。

69. Do not engage in sexual misconduct. 不邪淫。

70. Do not consume intoxicants. 不饮酒。

71. The Ten Paramitas are the virtues. 十波罗蜜是德行。

72. Generosity is the giving. 布施是施予。

73. Morality is the integrity. 戒是操行。

74. Patience is the endurance. 忍辱是忍耐。

75. Diligence is the effort. 精进是努力。

76. Meditation is the concentration. 禅定是专注。

77. Wisdom is the understanding. 慧是理解。

78. Compassion is the empathy. 悲心是同情。

79. Skillful means is the strategy. 方便是策略。

80. Aspiration is the motivation. 愿望是动机。

81. Power is the strength. 力量是力量。

82. The Six Perfections are the practices. 六波罗蜜是修行。

83. Generosity is the giving. 布施是施予。

84. Morality is the integrity. 戒是操行。

85. Patience is the endurance. 忍辱是忍耐。

86. Diligence is the effort. 精进是努力。

87. Meditation is the concentration. 禅定是专注。

88. Wisdom is the understanding. 慧是理解。

89. The Four Immeasurables are the attitudes. 四无量心是态度。

90. Loving-kindness is the goodwill. 慈心是善意。

91. Compassion is the empathy. 悲心是同情。

92. Sympathetic joy is the rejoicing. 随喜是欣慰。

93. Equanimity is the balance. 平等心是平衡。

94. The Three Poisons are the afflictions. 三毒是烦恼。

95. Greed is the desire. 贪心是欲望。

96. Hatred is the aversion. 嗔心是厌恶。

97. Delusion is the ignorance. 痴心是无知。

98. The Five Aggregates are the components. 五蕴是成分。

99. Form is the body. 色蕴是身体。

100. Feeling is the sensation. 受蕴是感觉。

101. Perception is the cognition. 想蕴是认知。

102. Mental formations are the thoughts. 行蕴是思想。

103. Consciousness is the awareness. 识蕴是觉知。

104. The Four Foundations of Mindfulness are the practices. 四念处是修行。

105. Mindfulness of the body is the awareness of the body. 身念是身体觉知。

106. Mindfulness of feelings is the awareness of the sensations. 受念是感觉觉知。

107. Mindfulness of the mind is the awareness of the thoughts. 心念是思想觉知。

108. Mindfulness of phenomena is the awareness of the phenomena. 法念是现象觉知。



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