'The Scum's Wish' is a live-action TV drama adapted from a manga. The story tells about a man named 'Arakawa'. He was originally an ordinary office worker, but after suffering various setbacks, he became cold-blooded and became a scum.
In this world, scum are everywhere. They will do whatever it takes and regardless of the consequences to pursue their goals, even at the expense of hurting others. The TV drama 'The Scum's Wish' focuses on Arakawa and tells about his growth and inner struggles.
This TV drama is not only a suspense drama, but also a exploration of human nature. In Arakawa's story, we can see the choices an ordinary person makes when facing life difficulties. He used to be a kind and honest person, but after countless setbacks, he became cold and ruthless. This makes us wonder what human nature is made of. What path should we choose when facing difficulties?
In addition, this TV drama also reveals the dark side of society. In modern society, people are driven by money and power, and many people become scum. Arakawa is also a victim of this society. He used to be a person who loved life, but under the pressure of reality, he became cold-blooded and finally became a scum.
Overall, 'The Scum's Wish' is an excellent TV drama. It is not only a suspense drama, but also an exploration of human nature and society. It profoundly reflects the contradictions and problems of modern society, and through Arakawa's growth story, it tells us how to face the difficulties and challenges in life. If you haven't watched this TV drama yet, you may spend some time watching it. I believe you will definitely gain something from it.